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What we do

We offer a harm reduction model of engagement/support and education across the North East which encompasses:

The North East Sex Work Forum has extensive experience of working alongside people within the sex industry offering services/support, sharing knowledge and raising awareness through research, predominantly peer led, regarding the difficulties sex workers can face to access services, report violence and fight the stigma they can face daily in their lives.

We are dedicated to improving multi-agency working and ethical responses to sex work related matters by informing regional and national policy and ensuring a shared model of excellence is adhered to regarding all service provision and education.


Awareness Raising & Education

for frontline practitioners to ensure a harm reduction approach to best practice across the region; for commissioners to ensure policy is informed and needs led and for the general public to decrease stigma and marginalisation for people involved in the sex industry


for more acceptance and understanding of people involved in the sex industry, their rights, risks and needs as precarious worker. Advocating for decriminalisation of the sex industry to ensure safer and fairer labour practices alongside other industries

Improved Access

to non-judgmental services such as informed sexual health services for appropriate screening and
referrals through our website and service directory. Services that provide confidential and needs led support to allow people to come forward and be open about their requirements

Reaching Out

to people involved in the sex industry where they stand including both street based and online communities across the North East and nationally; supporting HMP Low Newton with resettlement Pathway 9 (Sex Work) to ensure continuous support for women whilst resident and through the gate upon release

Crime Support

to cope with the aftermath, such as reporting to NUM (National Ugly Mugs) or police if needed, referrals to specialised services such as Rape Crisis Centres or SARCs (Sexual Assault Referral Centres) or simply emotional support and advocacy

Legal Information

regarding the legalities of the sex industry within the UK for frontline practitioners and commissioners, highlighting which areas of the sex industry are criminalised and which are not. This has shown to affect both how people seek support and how services react to them.

Therapeutic Support

such as counselling or group therapy. Information about or referrals to informed services for either specific trauma or to cope with the everyday


with housing, employment pathways, education, benefit issues or substance misuse. Information or support to access essential services


to volunteer, design or lead on projects and to develop peer led participatory action research to improve service development and increase knowledge. Also opportunities to develop and deliver training packages to inform mainstream services

Community Engagement

with sex industry communities to ensure services are educated, needs led and appropriate; with local people/services for effective multi-agency working, communication and development 

Training/education packages are available delivered by experienced practitioners and academics, for more information regarding this please fill in the form on the 'Contact Us' page. Please follow the links below to see clips of our annual Regional Learning Day which brings together experts by experience from within the sex industry, practitioners and researchers to share learning and raise awareness regarding the adult entertainment/sex industry.

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