Information regarding events coming up such as book and research launches, health events, conferences and parties! See below how to participate, buy tickets or sign-up.
Newcastle City Council Sexual Health Online survey
What do you think about the non-clinical sexual health services in the community?
Non-clinical services are offered in the community to help support your sexual health and well-being. These services cover a wide range of sexual health issues and offer people support, advice and information, STI testing (sexually transmitted infections including HIV), outreach and signposting people to relevant services. Non-clinical sexual health services do not include treatment but can help people access treatment through the clinical sexual health services.
Newcastle’s City Council Public Health Sexual Health Team want to find out what people involved in the adult entertainment/sex industry within the Newcastle area think about these non-clinical sexual health services, what you like about them, and any suggestions you have about how the services could work better to meet your needs. Please tell us your views of the non-clinical sexual health services by completing the survey here. The survey is completely anonymous, closing date is the 6th June 2021.
If you would like to get help, advice and services for your sexual health and well-being, you can find out more about what is available from services, organisations and helplines here:
Book Launch
Dr Angelika Strohmayer would like to invite you to attend a book launch event for her first published book! It will take place next Wednesday, at 12:00noon BST on the 19th of May 2021, the join link is available at the bottom of this page. It's not an explicitly sex work research book, but it is an exploration of a project she did a few years ago with women engaged in the sex industry in the North East of England. Book Launch - Digitally Augmenting Traditional Craft Practices for Social Justice: The Partnership Quilt This book weaves together disparate worlds of crafting, social justice, and digital technologies around The Partnership Quilt. It crafts a manifesto for meaningful action and design processes in charitable organizations through participatory sewing and its digital augmentation. The book charts a history of how sewing has been used to voice concerns of oppression, and how digital technologies can be embedded into textiles to tell stories more powerfully. It explores the relationship between quilting and research, looking beyond the seams of The Partnership Quilt to shed light on the importance of invisible work behind such participatory, justice-oriented design projects. It concludes with a discussion of the impacts and potential future avenues for research on digitally quilting social justice. This book launch will mark the occasion of the publication of Dr Angelika Strohmayer's first book, published by Palgrave Macmillan. In the session, you will hear about two perspectives of the book: one from the author and the other from a manager at the organisation with him she collaborated on the project described and analysed within it. There will be two short talks in the session before the floor is opened for questions and discussion. First, Strohmayer will present an overview of the theories and practices used in the book, highlighting the academic contributions. Second, McIntyre will present a reflection of the practical impacts this project has had on Changing Lives - the ways in which it has shaper her own understanding of service delivery as well as how it impacted on service delivery and development more widely. Dr Angelika Strohmayer is a lecturer and co-director of the newly established Design Feminisms Research Group at Northumbria University's School of Design. Her collaborative in-the-world work sits at the intersection of technologies, craft, social justice, and feminisms - contributing to theoretical conversations through applied research methods. She is dedicated to the inclusion of under- and mis-represented people in research, design, and academia, and proactively works towards equity, diversity, and inclusion. Some of this is shown through her work as a founding member of, an international technology research collective, and her co-editing of the 'Meaningful Design Processes' Forum in the ACM Interactions Magazine. In all that she does, Angelika tries to work across boundaries, bringing together disparate groups to engage in endeavours that support personal wellbeing, counteracting community traumas, and engaging in public advocacy to move towards more socially just worlds. Laura McIntyre is a leader in the voluntary sector, in her role as Head of Services for Women and Children for Changing Lives, a national charity with roots in the North East. Laura has set up and developed a range of innovative services for women across the North and Midlands, including developing peer research methodology which have contributed to policy recommendations and policy change at a local and national level. She has set up women's centres, both building-based and virtually, and has developed trauma responsive models of care for Changing Lives. Laura is a Winston Churchill Fellow of 2011, and has specialist expertise supporting women who sell and exchange sex, and women who are targeted and groomed for sexual exploitation. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 2256 2020 Passcode: 383781 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81722562020#,,,,*383781# US (San Jose) +19292056099,,81722562020#,,,,*383781# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 817 2256 2020 Passcode: 383781 Find your local number:
Lots of ways to show your support for SWAI
And have fun doing it!
Three ways to support SWAI while we are still in lockdown.
Pandora’s Box: SWAI Fundraiser Edition - a night of dance and entertainment on the 17th of April
Life Drawing for SWAI - join us on Sundays for Stripper Life Drawing, next on is 7th March
Aoife's 5K a Day for SWAI - Aoife will be walking, running or cycling 5km a day to fundraise for SWAI
Stripper life drawing fundraiser for SWAI this Sunday
Do you know that Life Drawing for SWAI hosts regular life drawing over Zoom in aid of the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland? On regular Sundays, they host a fantastic life drawing session online from 7-8:30pm. Donate a minimum of €5 for entry and email your receipt to and they will send you on the link. Keep an eye on LifeDrawingForSWAI on Instagram to find out when these incredible events are held. The next session is this Sunday at 7pm. We hope to see you there.
Copyright © 2021 Sex Workers Alliance Ireland, All rights reserved.
Student Sex Work Policy and Toolkit Launch
15th Dec 2-3pm
Join this Culture Shift webinar with University of Leicester to launch their new Student Sex Worker Policy and Toolkit
About this Event
We're absolutely delighted to host this event launching University of Leicester's Student Sex Worker Policy and Toolkit.
The Student Support Services and EDI teams at University of Leicester have been working together on this over the past year, and at this event will be sharing what they've learnt so far from this sector-leading work.
The work has been guided by Professor Teela Sanders who has been facilitating a national co-ordination group since early 2020, with over 40 stakeholders of researchers, practitioners and sex work organisations. There are now several regional groups raising the profile within Universities, and the activities at the University of Leicester are being used as best practice and innovative change.
The policy and toolkit at Leicester will be used to showcase how these sensitive issues can be tackled with student wellbeing and inclusivity at the heart of policy and practice development.
The event will include a short presentation where you'll hear from the University's team as well as a student sex worker and other experts, and then a Q&A session which is open to the audience.
Speakers include:
Professor Henrietta O’Connor, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Head of College of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Harriet Smailes – Wellbeing Case Manager, University of Leicester
Jessica Rose - Support for Student Sex Workers
Professor Teela Sanders, University of Leicester
Susanna Dermondy, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team, University of Leicester
What students are experiencing
SU and Standing Together journey and process
EDI structures and governance
Fitness to Practice courses
Support and resources