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Sex Industry Specific Organisations

The following UK and Ireland based specialist organisations/projects offer specific services/support directly to people involved in the adult entertainment/sex industry. Peer led by people who work within the sex industry themselves or alternatively are non-government organisations. You can contact them directly on the links below or complete the form on the 'Contact Us' page for more information.

Arch North East - Archway Project

An ARCHWay ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) is a specialist service that can support people involved in or exploited through the sex industry who have experienced rape or sexual assault. A fully inclusive service which works with anyone aged 18 and over.

Telephone: 01642 822331

A Way Out

Outreach and prevention charity - The Liberty Project delivers a harm reduction service to adult women involved in street/opportunistic sex work across Cleveland.

Telephone: 01642 655071

Basis Yorkshire

Basis supports indoor and street sex workers who identify as women, and young people who are sexually exploited.

Telephone: 0113 243 0036

Bright Futures

Bright Futures is a women's charity based in South Tyneside, who run a Sex Work Support Group supporting women on a range of issues, including sexual health, and safety. (Flyer below).

Telephone: 0191 455 1196

Changing Lives - GAP & MAP

Offer support to men and women exchanging/selling sex in different environments across the Northumbria area.

Telephone: 07812665042

ECP (English Collective of Prostitutes

An organisation of sex workers working on the street and in premises with a national network throughout the UK.

Telephone: 020 7482 2496


INSIDER is a space reserved for adult industry professionals and advocates.

Manchester Action on Street Health

MASH is a charity for sex workers based in Manchester City Centre. They offer drop-in sessions, outreach to street and parlours and online support to sex workers that advertise online. They are able to provide sexual health testing and advice and support regarding mental health, housing, legal, safety and more.

Telephone: 0161 273 4555

NUM (National Ugly Mugs)

Provide UK-wide victim support and crime prevention resources for people of all genders who work in the sex industries.

Telephone: 0161 629 9861

Red Umbrella Project - (Changing Lives)

Provide a range of support, one to one and group; outreach, Drop-In’s across Merseyside; Casework; Specialist ISVA Support & Sexual violence outreach worker across the whole of the sex industry.

Telephone: 07885458978 or 07593578007

SAAFE.INFO (Support and Advice for Escorts)

A peer led organisation offering a range of helpful advice, guidance and support on every aspect of the paid sex scene.

Email: account saafe.


A peer led registered charity dedicated to the promotion of sex workers’ rights, safety, and health, based in Scotland.

Telephone: 0131 622 7550

SWAI (Sex Workers Alliance Ireland)

Work with sex workers to fight for and promote the health, safety, participation and dignity of all female, male, cis and trans sex workers in Ireland.

Telephone: 085 8249 305


SWARM (Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement)

SWARM is a collective founded and led by sex workers who believe in self-determination, solidarity and co-operation.

The Blue Door

A Domestic Abuse service that also offers an outreach service for street sex workers.

Telephone: (01724) 841 947

Helpline: 0800 197 47 87

Ugly Mugs Ireland

A volunteer-run not-for-profit technology initiative with the aim to improve the safety of sex workers and reduce crime, by bringing sex workers together to share information about potential dangers.


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