Advice and resources for safe working practices for individuals working within the adult entertainment/sex industry. There are also additional resources and information within our 'What's New' pages. For further information please fill in the form on the 'Contact Us' page.
Keeping safe outdoors during COVID-19
SWAI, GOSHH, Sexual Health Centre.com
Advice for keeping safe when working outdoors during the COVID-19 crisis:

**for more safety tips for working during COVID-19 look in our 'Resources' section

MASH - Manchester Action on Street Health
Downloadable resource regarding digital health for sex workers:

NUM - National Ugly Mugs
For extensive safety advice and reporting support sign up to National Ugly Mugs here, a pioneering and innovative project which provides greater access to justice and protection for sex workers.
**For more information look in our 'Resources' section for NUM's own page

Beyond the Gaze
The links below have downloadable flyers regarding Safety and Privacy for Online Sex workers:
‘Safety & Privacy Tips Quick Look’ in English: Privacy tips Safety tips
In Romanian Privacy tips Safety tips
In Portuguese Privacy tips Safety tips.
In Mandarin Privacy tips Safety tips.
The full ‘BtG Safety and Privacy Information for Online Sex Workers’ produced by sex workers and informed by the findings from BtG can be accessed here.

A Way Out Safety Booklet
Tips for keeping safe when working outdoors

Sex Workers' Toolkit
An online resource distilling 20 years of experience of the streets, saunas, flats and escorts of Edinburgh.
Access it here.