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International Resources

International resources and tool kits regarding the adult entertainment/sex industry to raise awareness and ensure inclusivity

The New Zealand Prostitutes' Collective (NZPC) is run by sex workers, for sex workers, and advocates for the rights, health, and well-being of all sex workers; committed to working for the empowerment of sex workers, so that sex workers can have control over all aspects of their work and lives.

What to do - A guide for sex workers who have experienced sexual assault

This guide details what to do after a sexual assault has occurred. It equips individuals with the information they need to support themselves and others who have been sexually assaulted.

Download it here.

The Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) exists to uphold the voice of sex workers globally and connect regional networks advocating for the rights of female, male, and transgender sex workers. NSWP is a membership organisation, their members are local, national or regional sex worker-led organisations and networks across five regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America and the Caribbean. Below are links to some of the resources NSWP have produced to ensure inclusivity of sex workers within service development and delivery; access their main site here to find more useful information.

'Smart Guide - Recognising Sex Workers as Experts' (2016)

This Smart Person’s Guide is a tool to support sex workers and their allies in advocating for the recognition of sex workers’ expertise. Sex workers’ have an indispensable knowledge of, and experience with the structural, legal, institutional, socio-economic and cultural barriers which impede their human and labour rights. Evidence shows that meaningful involvement of sex workers is critical to success in tackling inequality and inequity. This guide draws on global examples and identifies good and bad practice for development and implementing ICT outreach services, based on consultation with sex workers and NSWP member organisations’. Download it here.

'The meaningful involvement of sex workers in the development of health services aimed at them' (2017)

This briefing paper discusses the extent to which sex workers are currently meaningfully involved in the development of healthcare services that are aimed at them. This matter is examined on a global scale and in five regions: Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and North America and the Caribbean. Within those regions, case studies were developed based on in-depth research conducted in ten countries: Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Papua New Guinea, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, and the U.S.A.

Download it here.

'Mapping and Population Size Estimates of Sex Workers: Proceed with Extreme Caution' (2015)

This provides an overview and critique of mapping, sex worker population size estimates and their use. It highlights how mapping locations where sex workers live and work and estimating the size of sex worker populations are becoming more regularly carried out. It considers some of the threats associated with these and strategies that can be used to protect people safe and keep data confidential and secure.

Download it here.

'The Smart Sex Worker’s Guide to SWIT' (2015)

The Smart Sex Worker’s Guide to SWIT provides a short summary of the key points in the Sex Worker Implementation Tool (SWIT). The Sex Worker Implementation Tool (SWIT) offers practical guidance on effective HIV and STI programming for sex workers. It was designed as a tool to be used by public health officials and managers of HIV, AIDS and STI programmes; NGOs such as community and civil-society organizations; and health workers and offers practical advice on implementing HIV and STI programmes for sex workers.

Download the guide here.

Download the full SWIT here.

Sex Workers’ Access to Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

A Community Guide

Access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services is an essential human right. Sex workers across the world face inadequate SRH coverage and treatment, resulting in violations of their human rights. To identify sex workers’ central SRH needs and the barriers they face when accessing SRH services, NSWP conducted in-depth research in ten countries and a global e-consultation with NSWP members.

Access the guide here.

Diverse, Resilient, Powerful - Intersectional Activism Toolkit for Sex Workers and Allies (2018)

Published to mark the 2018 International Women's Day, this toolkit, based on ICRSE’s five Intersection Briefing Papers published between 2015 and 2017, aims to help sex workers explore the intersections of sex workers’ rights with other rights such as those connected with LGBTQ people, women, workers, migrants and health and raise awareness of our common struggles.

Access the toolkit here.

WHO HIV/AIDS Sex Work Toolkit

The toolkit is intended as a resource to guide the development and implementation of effective HIV interventions in diverse sex work settings. It outlines key steps and issues and provides links to many documents, manuals, reports, and research studies containing more detailed and in-depth information. It aims to make accessible knowledge and guidance accumulated over a decade about what works for HIV prevention with sex workers, how to provide support services, and how to empower sex workers to improve their health and well-being.

Download the toolkit here.

TAMPEP European Network for HIV/STI Prevention and Health Promotion among Migrant Sex Workers was founded in 1993 in response to the needs of migrant sex workers in Europe, based on the principles of the protection of human rights and the direct representation of sex workers. The TAMPEP website contains a wide range of resources to inform work with migrant sex workers and facilitates the sharing of knowledge, experience and good practice amongst members to develop and implement effective strategies of HIV and STI prevention across Europe. Below is an example of one of their resources:

Work Safe in Sex Work (2009)

A European Manual on Good Practices in work with and for Sex Workers

Download here.


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